Monday, May 20, 2013
Culture says that beauty is being size 4, having all the name brand clothes, a pretty face and perfect hair.
Many girls think that you have to have all of that to be beautiful. And they hurt themselves everyday just to fit into cultures perfect box.
Girls starve themselves to become skinny and when they can't seem to fit in that box they cut themselves because all they hear is "you're too fat" "you're not pretty enough"
"you won't amount to anything" you're not good enough"
"you are to dumb" "no one loves you"
That is just some things that get put into the minds of girls and they begin to believe it and then they live as if its true.
Let me tell you, none of it is! You are absolutely beautiful!
God has made a wonderful and beautiful creation. He loves you so much.
He sent His son to come and live a completely perfect life and then die for you. Jesus never sinned and took on all of your pain and suffering and hung on a cross and died so that you can have life.
God has an amazing plan for you. He will use you in a beautiful way because of the things you've gone through He will use it to help others in their time of suffering.
I have never cut myself or starved myself but I do know pain. I use to be called fat, ugly, stupid, worthless and unwanted. I took it to heart and wanted to just give up.I didn't want to be here anymore. I've had those feelings.
There still are times when I don't feel beautiful. I basically hated myself. No one knew what I was feeling on the inside because I hid it so well on the outside. I use to take so many pictures of myself just to try to feel pretty..
And everytime I did someone would tell me that I cared to much about what I looked like or I was too self priortized.
I had tried just about everything I could to make myself feel beautiful. Then I finally went to God and He not only told me but showed me my beauty. My beauty isn't looking pretty or dressing a certian way, its simply believing that God made you the way you are for a purpose and knowing that He has never made a mistake.
No one can take your beauty away. But that doesn't mean that satan can't try to take it away and put you down.
He'll rub your insecurities in your face until you believe that you aren't beautiful and you are worthless.
Girls, God doesn't make ugly. He hasn't created anything ugly. Look outside at all of the beautiful things. Look at the trees, the birds, the sky, the clouds. Look at the grass and the flowers! look at their tiniest details.. They are beautiful!
And then go look in the mirror at the one thing He treasures the most.
You are beautiful! I promise you, God hasn't, isn't and never will create anything ugly.
Those scars on your wrists are battle scars it means you're a fighter. And you won't give up. Don't ever give up! God will always be there when others aren't. God wants an intimite relationship with you. He loves you, a lot!
Please don't get sunk in to what the world says because it is just a bunch of garbage. You are beautiful, You are wanted, You are loved, You are perfect, You have a purpose! God loves you, I love you, your family loves you!
I might not know you but I want to tell you that I don't want to see you suffering. I don't like hearing about girls or guys for that matter hurting themselves just because this society says they aren't good enough. Chances are you are good enough they are just blind!
You are redeemed! You're free! Let God break the chains of those insecurities! Shake them off!! Let them go! You are worth more than feeling the way you are! God is calling your name! Answer the call! Go to God! He has already set you free! He is just waiting patiently for you to come home to Him!
I pray that you see your true beauty! I don't know you and I may never. But I will always love you and be praying for you. Whoever reads this I want you to know that you can make it out of this pain. You will overcome it! I promise you. I did and I know you can too :)
I love you all so very much. God bless you.
- Ashton
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